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Romanian Society for Biomaterials Research Association brings together persons or societies by legal free adhesion, active, activated, or want to advocate in any form at development of biomaterials field and their applications.

Acquire membership of the association and recognize, all those who adhere to the provisions of this statute. Receipt of an application is individually approved by the Board. Admission to the association will be known to third parties by publishing / displaying the pane within the association and other mass media, but they will sign in the register of members.

Rights of association:
- To express their opinions within the association on the activity of management of the association;
- To participate in activities initiated by the association;
- To participate in spreading the principles of business association;
- To express their opinions about the association, provided that those views are not contrary to the association's statutes;
- To receive timely and correct any information on the association holds and which are useful for carrying out its duties;
- To select and / or to stand and be elected in the internal functions of the association structure, under this Statute and Rules of Procedure;
- To defend themselves against any charge within association with scientific and professional association related to the profile;
- To attend general meetings of the Association and the shares held by it;
- May participate on behalf of the association, under a mandate given by the Board, at congresses, symposia, training internships, exhibitions, fairs, etc. with national and international character;
- To receive support when traveling in the country and abroad to congresses, symposiums, training internships, exhibitions, fairs etc..;
- To propose measures to improve the business association;
- To participate in congresses organized by SRB.

Obligations of members of the association are:
- To comply with this statute;
- To promote and protect the general principles of association;
- To participate in all activities in which it is convened;
- To represent the joint interests of the work in any capacity gained through the support of the association;
- To pay levy to terms;
- Respect the decisions of governing bodies of the association and the regulation of organization and operation of the association;
- To contribute to raising the prestige of association;
- Not to denigrate in any form the association;
- To inform the leadership of the association on information received from conferences, exhibitions, talks, etc.., which can lead to development of association activity.

Membership categories:
- The founding members which have decided to create this association;
- adherent members - members who join after the statute of the association and who will pay the membership fee immediately upon accession, which may be private or legal persons with rights and equal obligations in the association;
- Student members, who will pay a 12.5% share of the membership fee set for other members, as members without voting rights;
- Honorary members, renowned personalities of public life in the country or abroad or scientific work supporting the association and will not pay annual subscription.

Loss of membership can be done by:
- Withdrawal (withdrawal request is made pursuant to withdraw because of free will expressed by the person concerned)
- Exclusion (exclusion is determined by the governing bodies of the association in accordance with Article 15 of this statute) .

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