


You are cordially invited to attend the third International Conference on Biomaterials and Medical Devices (BiomMedD'2008) to be held in Bucharest, Romania, November 13-16th, 2008. The event will also host the 7th General Assembly of the Romanian Society for Biomaterials.

The BiomMedD'2008 Conference venue will be University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. The Conference aims to bring together scientists, clinicians and manufacturers interested in fundamental and applied research in biomaterials and medical devices. The organizers expect participants representing medicine and materials science, physics, chemistry, mechanics and biology from universities, research institutions, hospitals and companies involved in biomaterials, tissue engineering and medical devices. Application of biomaterials in clinical surgery and nanotechnologies will represent one of the main topics of BiomMedD'2008, according with the good relationship between Romanian Society for Biomaterials and other societies, partners of this conference:
- SRN [Romanian Society of Neurosurgery]
- SOROT [Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology]
- UNAS [National Union of Stomatological Association]
- SRCC [Romanian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery]
- RoSNeRa [Romanian Society for Neuroreabilitation]
- RoSCoS [Romanian Society for Vertebromedullar Pathology, Therapy and Recuperation]

Besides attending the Conference, the participants will enjoy the city of Bucharest, its atmosphere and entertainment, as well as its surroundings.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Bucharest in November 2008.

Important! Electronic Poster Section

Poster presenters are asked to submit up to 10 – 12 Power Point slides that will be available for viewing at computer stations at the Congress, as well as included on a CD that will be distributed to all Congress attendees. For Copyright issues, presentations will be transformed on the CD into Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Flash formats.

This will provide more congress space, less paper consumption, and the technique is regarded as the future, becoming for the last three years the standard in many International Society Conferences.
The poster must include text, figures and images, just as in traditional paper posters. Electronic posters will be browsed by session and topic, and can be searched using author names and keywords, all in a few seconds, from one computer. We suggest this structure: Title/authors/keywords – General Information – Material and Method – Results – Discussion – Conclusions – Bibliography.

Thank You for Your Understanding and please send your presentation to:
If you already have a printed poster please let us know at the same address in order to provide the needed panels.

Final Anouncement
First Anouncement
Conference Poster
BioMedD'2008 Scientific Program
biomed sigla-1 copy.jpg

Website BiomMedD'2008

BiomMedD'2008 WebSite
More news on the conference website or by mail:
All abstracts must be send at the above mentioned e-mail address.

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